Hi world. My first blog.

A Hi from me:)😊

Hi everyone, hope you all are doing well in these trying times. This is my very first blog post and honestly, I am not quite sure how to start it.
 Should I start with my name, or should my age be mentioned first? Should I share with you my hobbies, or the reason why I am starting this blog in the first place? Is an introduction even necessary? Is that how one begins their blogging journey? Well,in all honesty I am not quite sure if there's a certain answer to this. But that's how I am going to start my journey and I hope to continue it for a long time.

Where do we start, hmm I am not quite sure. So let me start by giving a brief introduction of myself and what my blog's gonna be about.

Brief? Introduction

Hi world, My name's Anu (not really my full name *short for it*, but it'll do for now), your average 25 year old who doesn't quite know what she want to do in life yet. Anyone else who relates?
 I come from a small town in India and am quite a private kind of person in general. In fact, it has taken me a lot of courage to step out of my comfort box and post this first blog. I don't know, I've always been kind of shy and embarrassed when it comes to my writing skills. In fact, not many people who actually know me have seen or read my works, not that there's been too many of them. The point is I just do not share my work with people who know me because I don't know what they'll think of it, and in turn, of me. Another reason for doing so is that I think it will be hard for me to write with wholehearted liberty if I were to see my friends, family and aquaintance reactions to it. I don't know if it's just me or if there are others who feel like this as well, if you are please do share, I'd like to know that I am not alone in feeling  this way.

Okay, speaking of myself, I have to say I don't really have much to say. I like reading, writing, watching random stuff on youtube, watching k-dramas(although I haven't seen one recently, suggestions anyone?), scrolling through my instagram feed and feeling just a tiny bit envious of anyone who's ever had an actual vacation, and watching a whole lot of BTS content, love them. They have been my absolute source of happiness and comfort since May of 2019 when I first got interested in their music, their work and in them, in general. 

Some other not so interesting things about me are that I am way too short, talk too loud, laugh incessantly, *cue bad timing*, have been teaching at a school for past 4 years or so (even though I thought it'd be a year long job max.) and got into working out at home by watching youtube workout videos (thank you chloe ting and pamela reif.)

I think this pretty much wraps it up for all that there's to know about this girl behind the keyboard (my android keypad *sigh*), oh one more thing, I live with my parents and two siblings (yes, I do , no shame). With all that said, let's move on to why I am starting this blog and what type of content I'll be posting here.

Why did I start this blog?

Why did I start blogging, you ask. Well, the answer is simple- because I wanted to. O.k, O.k I'll tell you the real reason why I am starting this. Well, I started writing short poems when I was quite young, okay okay you got me there, I only wrote one poem as a little child , but that's not the point. The thing is I've always been interested in writing as a hobby and have generally been pretty decent at it, if not good. But recently, and by recently I mean since the past couple of years or so, I've been getting worse and worse at expressing myself through my written words and quite honestly I don't like that. I want to rectify that by investing myself in blogging and posting about whatever I want to talk about and hopefully sharing my thoughts and opinions with you and vice-versa. I really do believe that this will keep me motivated, especially if I know that somebody is out there reading this and finding it even a tad bit interesting (Please do let me know if that happens, I'll be truly grateful).

Type of Content I'll be posting:

Now, the most important thing, the one golden question that must be answered -what kind of content is to be expected here- I am not quite sure if there's a certain answer for it. I will be posting about anything at all, aha...see what I did there. It's true though, the blogs will be very journal like somedays, and full on reviews the next, depending on what I feel like. Be sure to expect some book and k-drama reviews though, because I really love them and think that I can truly help you in choosing what to read or see if you need a recommendation. Other than that, any suggestion is always welcome from anyone who reads this, I mean it. 

With all that said, or rather written, and I've actually written a whole lot more than I thought I would be able to, I sign off for today and will eagerly wait for the ping of the notifiaction and the number of views (if there are any). I can't wait to think of what I'll be writing about next and working on it with the same gusto that I am working on this one. Till the next blog, bye, take care, stay safe and happy always. Goodnight people or Goodmorning, depending on whichever side of the globe you are. And thank you, for  reading till the very end. Bye and see you later. 
